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Connect top-down resource planning in Resource Management with bottom-up project execution in Smartsheet.
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- Resource Management Path
About this course
The Resource Management panel for Smartsheet connects top-down resource planning in Resource Management with bottom-up project execution in Smartsheet. The integration enables you to link a Smartsheet project sheet with a Resource Management resource plan so that you can confidently staff projects and align big picture strategy with day-to-day project management. It allows you to compare your team’s tasks workload in the sheet against their allocated time and make updates directly from the panel. By being able to easily compare and contrast plans, you can understand the impact of changing project or resource schedules and keep things up-to-date. This course will guide you through the steps on how to use the Resource Management panel integration. For best performance during this course, please use Google Chrome. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
In this course, you’ll learn how to:
- Connect a project sheet to a project in Resource Management
- See team member availabilities and allocations from Resource Management in Smartsheet
- Create or update task assignments in Smartsheet while seeing real-time impact as adjustments are made
Total approximate course time with activities: 30 min
Panel Integration
Course Evaluation
Course PDU Information for PMI
The Resource Management panel for Smartsheet connects top-down resource planning in Resource Management with bottom-up project execution in Smartsheet. The integration enables you to link a Smartsheet project sheet with a Resource Management resource plan so that you can confidently staff projects and align big picture strategy with day-to-day project management. It allows you to compare your team’s tasks workload in the sheet against their allocated time and make updates directly from the panel. By being able to easily compare and contrast plans, you can understand the impact of changing project or resource schedules and keep things up-to-date. This course will guide you through the steps on how to use the Resource Management panel integration. For best performance during this course, please use Google Chrome. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
In this course, you’ll learn how to:
- Connect a project sheet to a project in Resource Management
- See team member availabilities and allocations from Resource Management in Smartsheet
- Create or update task assignments in Smartsheet while seeing real-time impact as adjustments are made
Total approximate course time with activities: 30 min
Panel Integration
Course Evaluation
Course PDU Information for PMI
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